About Us

Who We are?

Solinn Technologies Private Limited is a team of industry’s best engineers, consultants, researchers and solution seekers who are striving for success to resolve any issue and to deliver whatever promised.
We are the registered startup of India and Uttrakhand providing comprehensive consulting, project management, roll out, operations and maintenance services, branding, distributorship, solution designs, training in the Telecom, Security, software, website and other technology-related domains that also includes Fibre Re-characterization, PIDS, Solar Service, CCTV Surveillance solution, Command and control and many more. Our solutions are meant to provide the optimal mix of state of the art technology with best practices for the execution of projects and their long term maintenance at reasonable costs.
To bring innovations, solutions, and technology. Our aim is to provide solution seekers with the right platform to ascertain the success of their project and professional growth.
“ We rise by lifting Others ”
We provide comprehensive telecommunication service of the highest quality and we share the knowledge acquired during working at sites. Our Esteemed Clients are YOFC, Vaimpex, SRA Info solutions, SV India InfoTech, Range of Companies in Video Surveillance system, Range of companies in telecommunication and many more.