BEST HEALTHY PRACTICES FOR MOM/DAD- Part 2 – 2021 by Dr Urmila Rawat, Sri Sai Baba Hospital Shyampur

To be continued…………………………

Primary Prevention: the one which prevents the occurrence of the disease in the first place. It prevents the risk factor that leads to the includes lifestyle modification and disease prevention

In old age the most important healthy life style modification includes:

  • Improvement in diet: Diet plays the most important role in our life. 

Actually diet has its importance from the childhood itself because as a matter of factor everyone knows eating junk food is not good for health but most of the people ignore this fact. Due to our busy schedules in these days we end up eating junk food and many of the times we eat it in the search of good taste forgetting it would cost us our health and life. At an old age it’s very difficult to digest this junk food. 

The junk food isn’t only the street food but it also consists of the oily food that is made in most of our Indian kitchens being the biggest culprit for increase in cholesterol levels that leads to diabetes and many heart problems. The increase in salt intake leads to hypertension. Not only the food but also the regularly irregular food timings lead to improper digestion of food. 

So decreasing the oil intake, but using combination of the oils different times in the preparation of the food would help in tackling the situation. Adding homemade ghee to the high glycemic index food like rice, potatoes, sugar and sugary products etc., reduces its glycemic index which in turn helps in regulating the blood sugar levels. 

3 light meals a day especially with small mid meals is advisable. Nutritious snack is advisable. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Eat more whole and husk pulses than washed and whole wheat products than refined. Chutneys are better than pickles and preservatives. Avoiding spicy food helps in avoiding acidity problems. 

Drinking plenty of water a minimum of 2-3 liters a day will keep u hydrated and avoid many health problems as water helps in flushing out the waste out of our body through sweat or urine and also helps in proper digestion of food and also in well circulation of all the nutrients and salts in our body that indirectly helps in the control of our blood pressure. 

Adding probiotics in our meal like yogurt, banana everyday will help in balancing the gut bacteria and help in improving the digestive system. Having nuts like soaked almonds, kismis, walnuts etc, would help in nourishing the brain. 

Walnuts are rich in omega 3 (omega-3-ALA) fatty acids which are good fats that help in preventing the heart disease, dementia, depression, arthritis, stroke by curbing the plaque buildup in blood vessels and improve the blood circulation in the body.

Omega- fatty acids are of 3 types being ALA, EPA, DHA. Sea foods like fishes are rich in EPA and DHA. ALA is richly found in plant sources like walnuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach etc.

Adding fiber and plenty of water in the diet helps in relieving constipation. Having small healthy snacks like fruits or salads with plenty of water while fasting will help from getting hypoglycemic and feeling acidic later on.

  • Improvement in exercise: 

Physical activity in this sedentary life is most important factor to be healthy. A daily walk at any time of the day will serve the purpose of maintaining the ideal body weight. If the obese individuals include the walking schedule twice a day even for 30 minutes will do. Walking at night for 20 minutes after dinner and sleep will help in good digestion of food and also help with good sleep for the day. It would also help in preventing gastritis/acidity.

  • Improvement in weight: 

Weight plays an important role in today’s sedentary life. Now a days obesity (BMI: 30.0 and above) is the leading cause of many diseases like diabetes and hypertension, arthritis and joint pains. Proper diet at regular intervals with moderate physical activity will help in balancing the ideal weight. Obesity has been a burning issue among the females due to their sedentary life style either it be a home maker or a working lady , making them vulnerable for many psychological as well as emotional changes due to the hormonal changes going on in their body. Detoxification with vegetables stock and fruits juices, lemon juices, ginger and turmeric juices etc., can help u in flushing out the toxins of the body giving time to your liver to get prepared for other toxins rather than getting piled up with toxins which leads to release of these harmful toxins into our system and then damaging our organ and other tissues. Antioxidants in our diet also help in preventing/slow the damage to cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are waste substances produced by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. If the body cannot process and remove free radicals efficiently then oxidative stress can result which further harm the body cells and body function. This oxidative stress can lead to cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory diseases, immune deficiency, emphysema, Parkinson’s disease and other inflammatory and ischemic diseases. So these free radicals are neutralized by the antioxidants. These antioxidants can be taken through food source, the best source being the plant based foods – fruits and vegetables.

To be continued………………….

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