Internet in Shyampur Rishikesh
Solinntech Fibre Internet is in huge demand in Shyampur Rishikesh region as it is providing minimum speed of 50mbps to the customers on LAN network.

Fibre Internet in Shyampur -: Today as most of the companies are switching their work culture of working from office to work from home, all the employees are commuting back to their native places and starting their work from home. It requires high speed internet and data 24*7 such that work can flow smoothly.
Keeping demand and need of Internet in mind, Solinn Technologies Pvt Ltd initiated fibre internet in Shyampur Rishikesh by laying their reliable fibre optic network connecting Shyampur Rishikesh. Demand of Internet in Shyampur Rishikesh is at its peak and daily coming up with minimum 5 connections.
Solinntech team is working on their toes to fullfill all demands, maintaining network with least latency and maintaining SLA of the network.
Update of Solinntech network and Internet in shyampur progress can be checked through Solinntech fibre Internet.
Solinntech Fibre Internet
Solinntech fibre Internet is very reliable internet service with high bandwidth provision to its customers. Solinntech Fibre Internet considers customer satisfaction as utmost priority, and has their patrolling team involved in patrolling daily of the laid network. Fibre optics is made of Silica and Germanium, it is a medium for light to travel with least optical losses.
Solinntech Fibre Internet uses new advanced equipment in their network for reliability and proper connectivity considering attenuation losses, insertion losses and all the optical losses.
Sollinntech fibre Internet network is designed in such a manner that customers and connectivity can be increased without stopping any customers services and decreasing their bandwidths. Every customer is given separate bandwidth and their is no speed drop for existing customers with increase in customers.
The Optical Network Terminals installed by Solinntech Fibre Internet are inbuilt with its internal central processing unit, Router, with 2 Ethernet ports for LAN connectivity and POT port equipping device with landline connectivity. Fibre to the home and ONT is installed by Solinntech Family in nominal installation charges.

Fibre Optic Internet - By Solinn Technologies Pvt Ltd
Fibre Optic Internet is need of the time today and present for broadband at homes. To reach to the fastest speed of the data everybody needs to use Fibre Optic technology now either it is 10 Mbps to 10000 Mbps of data. Internet is the must needed thing in the modern world we live in today. Fibre Optic has completely bought the world under single umbrella. We can connect with any person sitting at any corner of the world with in one click of our keyboard, mobile or any telecom gadgets.
Solinntech Fibre network is using the same technology for transferring the data from one point to another. By just sending the beam of light through fibre optic glass cables, we are able to transfer information through what is truly fascinating process.
To check how the Optical Fibre is playing important role in connecting the world together, we can check submarine cables that are mapped and laid all through sea and connecting the world with high speed data pipeline. Basically the type of Fibre optic used in submarine cable is G 654 type.
Earlier Jelly field cables or copper wire were used to transfer the data and today DSL, cables and wireless Internet used to be considered as biggest competitors to Solinntech Fibre Internet. DSL Internet is provided by copper phone lines that have been the norm for over a hundred years.
Cable Internet also uses copper, but unlike DSL it uses coaxial cables were originally used for cable TV services. Fixed Wireless Internet, like cell phone service is provided trough radion waves broad casted from towers and then sent over frequencies.
Importance of Solinntech Fibre Internet

Smart Homes and Smart Security is one of the Internet of Things(IOT) and is the fastest growing market in today’s era. It connects every aspect of your home so it runs smoothly and seamlessly with any of your smart devices. We can also secure, monitor and protect our home remotely using smart home security.
Internet connects all smart devices together and update any changes if done remotely with permission.
Entertainment and Connectivity: With Internet we can browse any of our stuffs on our finger tips either it is streaming videos, video chats, watching movies or playing online games.
Distance Learning : Now a days, education is switching to Internet studies, students are taught from colleges through internet while they are sitting at their home and studying. Students need to download offline lectures and upload their assignments as the instruction of their teachers that needs high speed internet and can be only fulfilled with Solinntech Fibre Internet.
Type of Connections
Now a days, terminology FTTx is very friendly and common to people around. FTTx stand for Fibre to the x, where x represents where the optical fibre connection actually ends. In telecommunication the leg generating from main length of fibre is called as last mile and the main length is either a National Long Distance(NLD) fibre network or Access fibre network.
Now fibre can be to the premises, to the desktop, to the home or to the building so every connection will be called as FTTP/FTTD/FTTH/FTTB. So FTTx network depends on customers need weather he need to take it to the home or to office or to any of the building depending upon the usage and bandwidth required as Solinntech fibre Internet has different plans for home usage and different plans for Commercial usage.
In most of the cases if fibre is required at home, so one fibre connection is taken but to increase its connectivity to another floor copper wire is further used and router is connected in repeater mode in another floor with LAN cable, while in case of network required at commercial site and data usage is more, then more than one fibre drop and connections are made.
Internet in Shyampur, Rishikesh
Shyampur is one of the dense populated area of Rishikesh with mix of population living together, people working in corporates/ companies/ PSUs or doing self owned businesses. With time Internet in Shyampur became the need of today as most of the school in shyampur, are running online so internet in shyampur is required both in school premises and in student families.
With Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi emphasized on digitization in India, the usage of internet increased with exponential growth. Hence Solinn Technologies Pvt Ltd targeted to establish network for Internet in Shyampur covering all the homes in the province.
Internet in Shyampur is a rejuvenate project for team of Solinn Technologies Pvt Ltd as internet in Shyampur is equipping people staying at interiors with high speed internet and bring smiles to many faces. To take project of Internet is Shyampur was cumulative decision by complete team not only considering revenue generation by the project but also by thinking to bring high speed internet in Shyampur region where people doesn’t have any option of high speed internet and were unable to connect themselves with world through Internet.
Be the part of project “Internet In Shyampur” with Solinn Technologies Pvt Ltd. Internet in Shyampur project provides opportunity for local youngster to learn and work in telecom sector. Internet in shyampur project will be a deep insight of one application of fibre optics and how splicing or optical testing is done.